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Strait of Juan de Fuca, at Bullman Creek, Neah Bay, Washington


   Bullman Creek flows into the Straits of Juan de Fuca southeast of Neah Bay. These lands, in the north-westernmost part of the Olympic Peninsula, Washington are home to the Makah Indian Tribe.

   Grains with marine origins include the crab claw in the center, lavender and green sea urchin spines, bryozoan fragments with minute oval pores, and barnacle shards featuring elongated tubes. Most coiled and disc-shaped grains are forams, Gyroidina soldanii (also known as Hansenisca soldanii); these fossil forams are 42 to 26 million years old. At 6 o’clock, the tube of cemented grains is from a polychaete worm, the white coil at 7 o’clock is also from a worm.

   Scattered throughout are bits of Makah sandstone, a fine-grained, feldspar-rich sandstone with individual grains of feldspar, quartz, basalt, andesite, plus black magnetite. The light gray grain with black inclusions is siltstone.


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Kate Clover

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